Friday, December 31, 2010

My sweet toothless wonder!!

So we went for Janie's 6 month cleaning about 3 weeks ago. The dentist was checking her teeth and saw on the X-ray that her two front, bottom teeth were beyond ready to come out. Typically when you lose a tooth, the adult tooth grows under the baby tooth and pushes the roots into the baby tooth, it's called resolving the roots or something along those lines. Anywho, when her adult teeth started pushing up the roots, it only got the front half of the root, and left the back half. So in all reality, her teeth *should* have fallen out months ago. The other half of the root was fully resolved... needless to say, the dentist felt it would be best if we had them pulled. I was happy with this, considering that she's been complaining of discomfort in that area for a few months off and on. I just assumed they were trying to start loosening up!
So yesterday we went to have her teeth pulled. She was SO excited! She couldn't wait for the tooth fairy to come. She was such a trooper the whole time at the dentist. They did the topical numbing gel first, then the injections.... she didn't even flinch on the first go round. Then they had to start poking in different areas of the gums around the front teeth to get it good and numb. I heard one "ouch" and she tightened up a bit, but that was it! When he finally got to the point of pulling her teeth, she did wonderful! She was a little scared so she started tightening up her legs and fists, but once they got the first one out she was so excited she didn't realize they pulled the second one out! She was such a trooper!
Bedtime rolled around and she put her teeth under her pillow in her special "tooth fairy bag" that her Grandma made for her. This morning she comes RUNNING into my bed (at approximately 5 am!!!) hollering that the tooth fairy came and left $12 ($10 for the first tooth, since it's kinda special and $2 for the second... that's her standard rate around here) and sparkle dust too! There was a trail of glitter going from under her pillow up to her window sill. You see, the night before we had a long discussion on how the tooth fairy gets in the house. Her two ideas were that the fairy either used her magic wand to unlock the doors, or she flew through the window/walls like a ghost. I guess we know how she got in!

I am so proud of my big girl! And she is so proud to have FINALLY lost her teeth! She's almost 7, and almost all her friends in class have lost teeth... now she has too! YAY!!

oh yea... check out how rough it was for her at the dentist! She's kicked back watching ICarly with her shades and headphones on! It was never like this at the dentist when I was a kid! (Yea... that's YOU Uncle Gerald!) LOL

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