Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ever hear the phrase, " my life flashed before my eyes"?

People say all the time, "my life flashed before my eyes". I wake up all the time thinking.... what did I do yesterday? Or I look at my kids, my oldest is fixing to be 7!! Where did that time go? It's easy to look back and THINK about all the stages she's gone through, from her birth, to learning to walk and talk, starting school, and most recently, losing her first tooth. But looking back at all this, I wonder where the time went? It seems like it's gone by so quickly and i've just lost track of it all!
So alot of my friends have recently picked up on this "experiment", if you will. The goal is to take a photo every single day, and capture that day in a single image. Seeing how I just got my new camera (WOOHOO!!), this is a perfect time to start this project. The pictures will be random. It may be a person I met that day, a special place I went, something new I tried, a picture of the kids playing, or maybe even just a simple shot of myself. I'll try to do that at least once a month just to see how I change throughout the year. I may not necessarily upload them every day, but I'll try to every few days to keep up with it all. Then, on the side bar of my blog, will be a progressive slideshow.
What better time to start this then at the very beginning of a new year, with many promising things in store for us all! I've got so many goals for my family this year... that's a whole other blog all in itself! So try to keep up and enjoy watching my life flash before your eyes!

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